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Small Business Spotlight: Go Goe Mobile Mechanic

Christian Algoe isn’t like most 22-year old men you know. He’s a small business owner, a philosopher and the hardest worker you’ll ever meet. He’s also humble and an old soul who understands that life moves quickly regardless of whether or not you’re chasing your goals.

Christian owns Go Goe Mobile Mechanic, a Laurelville based business that offers on-the-go repair and maintenance for large equipment and semi-trucks. Much of his work is by contract but he is available for hire for individual jobs as well.

While he’s building an impressive small business, this story isn’t really about the business. It’s about the why behind it and his drive to grow and improve with every opportunity.

Christian says he has always wanted to own his own business and actually started out nearly a decade ago with his own lawn care company when he was just thirteen. “I always wanted to work for myself. I have worked for other people but working hard for other people never really got me ahead. I’m working harder now than ever but that’s ok because I’m building my own future, not someone else’s.”

Growing up in Laurelville and attending the local schools means that he’s a familiar face to many around town. He pays attention to people and his surroundings, always hoping to learn from the people around him.

 “I like to learn from my mistakes and I’ve made plenty of them on my own. But I don’t think you have to make the mistake to learn from it. You can just watch what other people do and learn from them,” he said. “A lot of people think I’m weird but I don’t want to live the way other people live. I know a lot of people who don’t take care of themselves. They don’t have any goals or maybe they had a dream once but life got in the way of pursuing their goals. They live paycheck to paycheck and have nothing to show for it. I want more than that.”

To that end, Christian retooled his traditional American diet to eat more nutritious whole foods that  give him the energy and mental clarity to stay focused through his long days. His days are long because his workload is steady and heavy. He acknowledges that he may not be able to keep up this pace forever but says that he is glad to stay busy while building his business.

More than anything, Christian wants to fight back against complacency in his work and in his life. “When you get too comfortable, you become complacent. You get settled and you start to accept things as they are right now. I don’t want that. If I reach a goal, I want to set another goal and another one. Keep setting the bar higher and you’ll find out what you can do. Comfort is where growth starts to die.”

“Some people might think I sound kind of full of myself but I’m really not. I’m not at all prideful. I want to be a better version of me and I don’t want to have regrets. I want to always be working toward something, making myself better. Plus, if I’m willing to make sacrifices now, life can be easier later.”

He credits his dad’s work ethic for instilling in him good habits and a drive for self-improvement. “He works hard and he made sure I know how to work hard too. Snow days were never for sleeping in and I didn’t have everything handed to me so I think I appreciate what I have even more. I think I’ve mowed and shoveled snow for about half the houses in Laurelville thanks to my dad,” he joked.

Still, Christian knows how to unwind and enjoy free time now and then. He loves anything to do with the outdoors and especially enjoys kayaking and 4-wheeling. Woodworking, time with family and an occasional cross country motorcycle trip are always a welcome respite from the business.


He studied welding because he enjoyed it and because it would pay a living wage. However, mechanics appealed to him too which is why he took a job doing mechanical work at a nearby manufacturer. Want to learn more about Go Goe Mobile Mechanic and the mastermind behind the business? Follow the company on Facebook.  

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